Every Day Green–Urban Eco-Friendly Living

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Make Every Day Earth Day!

Posted by dmhendricks on April 22, 2008

Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
into the future……

The Steve Miller Band
Today provides yet another opportunity for the well intentioned, to set and meet eco-friendly goals and establish eco-friendly practices. Earth Day is a celebration of the natural resources and wonders of our planet, as well as our responsibility to act as stewards of the same.

Blooming trees, roving dandelions and rains, from mists to flashing thunderstorms, mark the presence of spring here in the midwest. Folks are grooming their yards and breaking out the baseball gloves. Barbecues and picnics are back on the agenda as well. It’s lovely. If we want this bounty to be around for our descendants, we need to take care of it.

On that note, here are a few ideas for celebrating Earth Day and some resources to keep you on the green track:

1. Go play–outside. Slather on some sunscreen, grab a frisbee or a ball and have fun.

2. Make sure you have a reusable tote or two or three for your shopping excursions. Target has them, Wal-Mart has them and Sophie Uliano offers a really chic one for the fashionistas (free with the purchase of the Gorgeously Green eco-friendly guide book).

3. Eat local–pick up some local food favorites and have picnic while enjoying the sunset.

Check out these websites for more information and ideas:

Earth Day

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Earth Day Site

Envirolink-The Online Environmental Community Earth Day2008

Earth Day Network

Happy Earth Day!

2 Responses to “Make Every Day Earth Day!”

  1. When thinking green, don’t neglect to think beyond the obvious. My business is coffee, and consumers are now very knowledgable about organic and other certified coffees. What many don’t realize is that roasting itself is a contributor to enviornmental issues, with smoke emitted and energy consumed. There are green roasting systems (such as one we have installed), and better packaging alternatives (we use biodegradable, compostable bags) – ask your roaster if they have gone green! Happy Earth Day!

  2. This is a cool website, and thanks for the useful links. Keeping your spending local does indeed make green sense and supporting local economy can only improve your surroundings.
    If you want some more green ideas checkout our family green blog;

    Our Everyday Earth – A Texas Family Eco Blog

    Thanks 🙂

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